Become a Member
Your CNA membership costs $10 for the calendar year and gives your household a voice in how the CNA serves the Crestview community. Per our By Laws, Membership is restricted to those residents living inside the boundaries of Crestivew (Lamar, Anderson, Burnet, and both sides of Justin). Membership covers a household of up to 4 voters, 18 and over, residing on premises. No absentee landlords or businesses. Memberships are held on a calendar year basis, beginning on January 1st and expiring December 31st.
1. PayPal: log into your PayPal account and send your $10 dues to
2. Check: Mail check for $10 payable to Crestview Neighborhood Association to
P.O. Box 9505
Austin, TX 78766
Any questions regarding membership may be directed to the Treasurer, Nancy Harris, at