The link below will direct you to an expanded version of the article about the effects of the latest version of the proposed land development code (CodeNEXT Version 4) that appeared in the November 2019 newsletter.  It includes additional color maps, illustrations, charts and graphs in a larger size making it easier to read. This information is based on what we know at this time. The proposed code is a moving target, and even now some planning commissioners and council members are arguing for more intense zoning and relaxed standards.

The Future of Our Crestview Neighborhood

Below is a link to a list of issues regarding CodeNEXT provided by Community Not Commodity.  If you are having trouble putting your thoughts and feelings into words, using 2 or 3 of these points may help you to organize them as you are writing to council members or planning commissioners or in discussing CodeNEXT with your friends and neighbors.

CodeNEXT Areas of Concern for Writing to Council Members