Update From Brentwood United On Brentwood Elementary Relocation Meeting With AISD

Posted by on Jan 11, 2020 in Uncategorized | No Comments
Brentwood United met on January 7th with AISD to continue to explore options surrounding relocation during the modernization bond, so wanted to provide a quick update. This is also posted in the FB group.
– This was the first meeting Superintendent Cruz has attended, and that seemed to encourage a more positive meeting.
– We shared the attached presentation with AISD last night in the meeting and via email. This is the same presentation shared with the Brentwood United parent group on December 18.
– AISD reiterated that they are still considering alternative swing site options, with the goal of a final decision by the end of this month.
– AISD committed to conduct siting and cost evaluations for the alternatives in the attached presentation in preparation for a meeting with the committee next week. AISD expects to state in next week’s meeting which of the options they consider to be viable.
– The committee will share the viable options and rationale after the meeting next week, get parent feedback to collect questions and concerns, and then have a workshop with AISD the week of the 20th.
Thank you all for your continued efforts. The presence of both Superintendent Cruz and Trustee Kristin Ashy at last night’s meeting is a testament to the amount of feedback parents have provided and your willingness to engage in this process.
Thank you all so much for your continued support and communication, and please feel free to reach out with feedback and continued input.
Briana Burns